Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

Writing in EYFS

In EYFS we believe a child's writing journey starts long before they pick up a pencil to write letters. At Kings Oak we focus on developing a child's upper body muscles first, then moving on to developing their arm muscles, and their wrist and finger muscles. We provide lots of opportunities to develop these gross and fine motor skills through play in provision time. We have also developed a progression document to enable staff to guide children through these skills and ensure every child is ready to write. Both FS1 and FS2 have a short motor skills session each day, this may include a squiggle session, finger songs, dough disco and later in FS2 handwriting to ensure the children have the correct letter formation ready for Year 1. 

Mark making is available in lots of different forms in both the indoor and outdoor provision, and staff ensure they are modelling and promoting writing opportunities throughout the day. In FS2, writing is also taught in our Read, Write Inc phonics sessions and children are given a written activity to do at least once a week during topic time. 

Squiggle While You Wiggle

Squiggle While You Wiggle is an early writing program created by Shonette Bason-Wood. It incorporates dance, music and large movements to help children develop the muscle control they need for writing. They will learn a gross motor movement to a piece of music by holding flipper flappers. The children then transfer these movements to floor level and swap their flipper flappers for writing tools to make marks. These actions all link to the movements used to create letter shapes when handwriting. These sessions are great fun and help your child to become a mark maker. In FS1 children complete the Wiggle Me Into a Squiggle scheme and in FS2 children complete the Squiggle While You Wiggle scheme. Take a look at the video below to see Shonette demonstrate a Squiggle session.

Dough Disco

Dough Disco is an activity to help strengthen children's finger muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip which in turn will help them to develop their handwriting. It is a fun session which involves performing different actions such as rolling, flattening and poking playdough in time to music. The children take part in dough disco in Spring term in FS2 and in the Summer term in FS1. Take a look at a few of the Dough Disco videos below if you want to have a go at home.

Finger Songs

We also sing and act out a variety of finger songs to help develop our co-ordination and strengthen our finger muscles. Take a look at some of our favourites below.